Sharpay is flustered by the news that her competition will still be hanging around.At her locker Gabriella is joined by Troy, who announces himself as her summer activity coordinator. Getting serious, he turns her around and gives her a necklace with a "T," for Troy. They almost kiss but are interrupted by a kid who wants his yearbook signed, then by Chad, who calls Troy away to play basketball.Sharpay informs Kelsi she has a job for her as the rehearsal pianist at the Lava Springs Resort; one that Kelsi reluctantly agrees to. When her brother Ryan arrives, Sharpay also discusses the compatibility of the most popular boy in school, Troy, with herself. She obviously has designs on Troy and is scheming to win him over.At Troy's home the jocks (Troy, Chad, Zeke, and Jason) enter the kitchen, having just finished a pickup game outside. Troy's dad, the Wildcats basketball coach, says that if they can all stick together they'll secure back-to-back championships. They all bemoan the fact that none of them have found summer employment yet. A phone call comes in for Troy. It's a Mr. Fulton, who offers Troy a summer job offer at the Lava Springs Resort. Troy asks him how he got his name and Fulton assures them they have a student summer work program and someone brought him up. In order for Mr. Fulton to hire him, he asks if he can get Gabriella, a "quintuple straight A" student, a job, as well as his classmates.At Lava Springs Sharpay, Ryan, and "Boi" Evans (Sharpay's Yorkshire Terrier) pull up in a pink Mustang with a "Fabulus" license plates. Waiting for them at valet parking is the general manager of Lava Springs, Mr. Fulton. Sharpay immediately talks to Fulton about the "staffing matter we discussed" and Fulton assures her that it has been handled. They then discuss the annual talent show with Mr. Fulton and Sharpay wonders coyly who will win the Star Dazzle Award. It is an award she has won five years running; there isn't even room for another trophy in the lobby. She is obviously a shoo-in, a salve to the blistering embarrassment she endured in the spring, losing the lead in the high school musical.At the resort pool Sharpay and her entourage of three club friends discuss the theme of the talent show: redemption. Sharpay relays her horrible school year, where her drama department was invaded by chemistry geeks and locker room jocks. Ryan, Sharpay, and the three girls then sing about Sharpay's life which is "Fabulous."Sharpay's state of bliss is shattered, however, when she spots Gabriella and the East High students entering the pool entrance, so much so she falls in the pool. Gabriella, the new lifeguard at the pool, rescues the thrashing debutante. Sharpay is shocked to discover that Gabriella is also on the club's payroll. The Wildcats are amazed to learn that Sharpay is a member.After receiving a complaint from Sharpay, Mr. Fulton explains to Sharpay that Troy had accepted his job offer with the condition of hiring whom he desired, meaning Gabriella and the rest of the Wildcats, and defends himself by stating that he cleared it with the board, meaning Sharpay's mother.Sharpay storms into her mother's yoga session and frets that the Wildcats will now ruin the annual Lava Springs talent show. Her mother suggests that her chums (which Sharpay alters to "chumps") will provide fresh talent for the show. Sharpay demands that Ryan explain the situation to her. Their mother exclaims, "Ducky! How's my dashing boy?" and both mother and son continue yoga, much to Sharpay's frustration.Realizing she has to take matters into her own hands, Sharpay demands that Mr. Fulton make the new employees' work experience terrible enough to quit.Mr. Fulton goes to all the new employees to assign positions for each person. They are to clock in at the start of their shift and clock out at the end. He also states that three rules infractions will cause violators to be fired.Troy and Chad are waiters (with the possibility of also being golf caddies for the members). Kelsi is to play piano for the diners. Taylor is assigned to member activities.
Martha is assigned to kitchen detail, cutting, chopping, and preparing ingredients. Zeke, the erstwhile baker, gets his dream job to assist chef Michael. Chad is indignant that he'll have to be serving Sharpay but Fulton corrects him. He will be serving "Ms. Evans," the formal address he's to use with all members.After this rather stern turn from their new employer, the whole group is wondering whether they want to spend the summer at Lava Springs. To relieve the stress, the entire group sings "Work This Out." Chad assures Troy that he can shelve his pride (he is, after all, saving up to buy a car) and that they can work it out. When Fulton comes in barking orders Troy writes "Let's go" on a pad of paper and Chad picks up a tray.Gabriella and Troy have an unauthorized picnic on the golf course. Troy is preoccupied as he is beginning to worry about his future. He realizes college costs a fortune, his parents are saving pennies to pull his tuition together and, as to a basketball scholarship, he's only as good as his next season. Gabriella is more of the moment. She's never been in one place for an entire summer and she relishes the fact that she gets to spend it with him. They toss grapes into each other's mouths and chase each other, ending in an embrace. Sharpay sees this and calls Fulton. She notes that the fourth fairway looked dry and asks that he tell maintenance to give it an "extra splash." The sprinklers spring into action, dowsing the grass and Troy and Gabriella, and interrupting their next attempt at a kiss. Sharpay realizes she's got stiff competition but has once more won a small victory. She smugly instructs Ryan to "Keep an eye on them and keep me posted."Fulton reprimands Gabriella and Troy for picnicking on the course, their first infraction. Troy tries to take the blame but Fulton is having none of it.During working hours, Gabriella and Troy find Kelsi composing a newly written song (though she has to soon work the Ladies Luncheon). Kelsi fantasizes how great it would be if Troy and Gabs sang her new tune in the talent competition, expanding her dream to include all the other Wildcats. Troy nixes it, saying his singing career began and ended with the school musical. When Kelsi and Gabriella begin to sing "You Are the Music in Me" however, he can't resist joining in.
Afterwards, the employees enter to sing along during the ending. Taylor offers the sign up sheet for the talent show to Troy and Gabriella. Troy thinks that maybe they can work it out."Golden Throat, this is Jazz Square" Ryan reports, spying from a nearby stairwell, "We may have a problem." Sharpay, who is getting a guacamole facial treatment with her mother, seems unperturbed. She's about to play her biggest hand with the arrival of her father. She believes Troy will be in the talent show and that he'll be singing with her.The next day Mr. Fulton notifies Chad and Troy that they aren't acting as waiters today, but are to be caddies (at $40 a bag). On the first hole Troy and Chad discover that they're caddying for the Evans family. Sharpay introduces Troy and Chad to her mother and then points skyward to introduce her father, who is j ust coming in on a helicopter. "Where's the first tee and what's the course record?" Mr Evans jokes after landing as he stands beneath the helicopter rotors. He, of course, built the course and holds the club record.On the course Sharpay fakes an inability to play, flirts with Troy, chips a wedge shot which nearly hits Chad, and nearly runs over Chad with her pink cart. On a hole that abuts the pool Troy hollers to Gabriella, arranging a midnight swim with her. Back on the course Troy is allowed to take some swings with the family, while Chad is reduced to hauling Sharpay's bag. Sharpay also brags about Troy to her mother and father.After the round, Chad and Troy are resting in the kitchen when Fulton arrives to invite Troy to dinner with the Evans family. Fulton gives Troy a tie (referring to it as a dog collar).
At dinner Mr. Evans is finishing what appears to be his standard golf anecdote, "and then she steps on the ball!" as Troy joins them. The Evans are big boosters of the University of Albuquerque (the U of A Redhawks) and Mr. Evans mentions to Troy that he pulls a little weight over at the school (he's on the board of directors) and could arrange a scholarship. The Evans's guest (also U of A boosters), Peter and Claire, gush about Troy's clutch shot in the championship game last season. Troy tries to mention that his teammates (who are around the table in various service capacities) are the ones who stole the ball and gave him the chance to take that shot. The table dismisses this as mere modesty. Sharpay also describes Troy's singing talent as well and then, as the family looks on expectantly, exacts a promise from Troy that he'll sing with her. Troy excuses himself and enters the kitchen, screaming in frustration.Troy is late for his date with Gab at the pool. Taylor warns Gabriella that his lateness is a bad sign of "boy disease," one of several indicators that something is wrong with their relationship. Troy arrives with a cannonball into the pool, enticing a reluctant Gabriella to join him by feigning a cramp and acting as if he's drowning. Gabriella cannonballs as well. Just as they're about to kiss yet again they look up to see Fulton. He gives them their second infraction and orders them out of the pool.At Troy's home, as he and his dad work on his truck, Troy confides how odd he felt at the dinner having his friends serve him, not to mention the scholarship matter. His dad says that everyone has their own future and that many people will be chasing the same opportunities and that Troy has to keep his eyes on the prize, meaning a scholarship. Troy gets his father's tacit message, that he may have to leave his friends behind to succeed in life.The next day Troy meets up with Gabriella at the pool (she's leading pool aerobics) to discuss afternoon plans. They are interrupted by Sharpay who is excitedly pounding on a nearby window. She yells for Troy and holds up a "See Fulton Now!" sign. Troy goes to Fulton to apologize for punching in late only to find from Fulton that he is be promoted to assistant to the golf pro at $500 a week, plus tips. Troy excitedly accepts the promotion. The rest of the employees hear the conversation.Mr. Fulton informs Troy he is to be the junior golf instructor and gives him some basics on handling the children he'll be teaching. He then announces to Troy that he has been given full membership privileges with all access to the facilities as long as the rest of the employees do not go with him. He presents him with his own locker, some new Italian shoes and the keys to his own golf car, #14, the same as his basketball uniform.Troy moves along the driving range line as each child addresses the ball, most incorrectly.
This includes one tot who is smashing his club into the ground near the ball. "Good job killer," compliments Troy, "make the ball fear you."A honk of the golf cart horn announces the arrival of Sharpay who has evidently also signed up for the remedial lessons from Troy. Sharpay asks how things are going and Troy marvels at the opportunities that are opening up for him, asking for her thoughts on the new Italian shoes he's wearing. Just then the overly-suspicious Taylor passes by on a golf cart and overhears their conversation. As Sharpay haphazardly hits pink ball after pink ball she drops hints to Troy about the upcoming talent show and how the Redhawk boosters will be there, and, with his stellar performance, he'll lock up his scholarship. "Singing with you, isn't a part of my job," Troy protests. Sharpay agrees but appeals to Troys sense of honor by demurely adding, "It's just something you promised to do."Chad and Gabriella watch the lessons as it unfolds. Taylor mentions that Troy is asking Sharpay about his shoes. Gabriella looks quietly unsettled. He hadn't asked her about his shoes. She can't help but notice the nearness of Troy to the blonde, perfectly-attired Sharpay. She and Chad glumly walk away. Taylor, however, lingers even after Troy is summoned yet again by Fulton. After he leaves Taylor watches Sharpay tee up a ball and hit a perfect drive, solidifying her suspicions that Sharpay has designs on Troy.In the lobby, Troy finds Mr. Fulton, along with Mr. Evans and three basketball players from the University of Albuquerque. They invite him to play in a practice session with them which Troy gladly accepts. Sharpay then appears again, flopping a coral blue tie over Troys shoulder, which she claims is the perfect color match.At lunch Troy, wearing the coral blue tie, is talking with the towering Redhawks players when Chad walks up with Troy's hamburger. Troy, instead of introducing him to the Redhawks players as Chad expects, has him take his hamburger back since he has forgotten to add Swiss cheese. Chad relays the change in Troy to the rest of the group.Elsewhere Sharpay demands that Kelsi transpose the song she wrote for Gabriella and Troy "You Are the Music in Me" in Sharpay's uptempo style. Ryan is confused since he thought he and Sharpay were to sing together and wonders what he's to do with his Tiki warrior outfit. Sharpay tells him she couldn't care less what he does with it, including selling it on Ebay. Dejected Ryan leaves Sharpay and Kelsi alone.Gabriella finds Troy shooting baskets wearing a Redhawks uniform. He apologizes for missing lunch. Gabriella wonders about Troy and the three older basketball players he's been hanging around with. Troy is still completely taken with the opportunities that are being handed to him. He promises to come back in his truck to pick her up after his game.
Gabriella reminds him that the employee baseball game is after work and that that is her commitment.As the Wildcats show up on the court they ask if Troy is still up for a pickup game. At the same time the Redhawks ride up in their truck and beckon to Troy to get in. Though the Wildcats ask Troy to invite the Redhawks over for a pickup game Troy says, "I don't think that how they roll. It's a closed practice," without even asking them. Troy then forsakes his friends and goes with the older players. Chad, fuming, asks for his ball back from Troy, who tosses it to him.Ryan, who is supposed to be keeping an eye on the Wildcats, is instead asked to join them in the after-work employee baseball game by Gabriella and Taylor.At the baseball diamond Chad, Zeke, and the rest of the baseball team discover that Troy has left them in the lurch yet again.The Wildcats are going to bail on the talent show but Ryan, whom Gabriella taps as the director in front of them all, challenges Chad to a baseball game. The implied wager is that, if Chad's team loses and Ryan's team wins, that the Wildcats will participate in the talent show. Chad starts to sing "I Dont Dance" while Ryan parries with lyrics of his own as they play ball.Though Chad and the Wildcats win, Ryan has obviously won their respect. Ryan later admits to Chad that he was a member of a Little League championship team in Newport, Rhode Island.At the closed practice Troy is impressing the U of A coach. Troy's dad assures him that Troy will give, "One-hundred-ten percent, twenty-four seven." Troy tries to call Gabriella during a break but, back at the diamond, she doesn't hear it in all the clamor of the ball game.Ryan and Gabriella meet up after the game poolside. Gabriella mentions that, whatever the group thought about Ryan before, after his competitive performance on the diamond, they don't think that now. Gabriella asks Ryan to show hersome dance moves and moments later, Troy arrives, resulting in an awkward moment for all. Ryan and Gabriella recap what happened the previous night to Troy who gets jealous and Ryan leaves. Troy and Gabriella appear to be drifting away from one another.In the kitchen Chad and Troy have a heated argument where Chad tells Troy that he doesn't know who he is anymore. It's broken up by Fulton who admonishes everyone, "You're all being paid to work, not play Doctor Phil."Troy and Sharpay meet up on the outdoor stage that will be the setting for the talent show. Sharpay shows Troy the front, center table where all of the Redhawks boosters will be sitting, as well as where his parents will be. Onstage to rehearse their number Troy begs Sharpay to "Take it easy on me" as he is obviously not accustomed to anything but stripped down, earnest duets. Sharpay blithely nods then tears off her jacket revealing a tight-fitting glittery costume. She launches into an driving, glitzy version of "You Are the Music in Me" complete with flash-pots, a full back-up band, and a pink, neon "SE" as a backdrop. Troy is embarrassed but attempts to keep up with the histrionics of his onstage partner.After the duet comes to an explosive end Sharpay says it sounded great and that they are meant to sing together. Troy has a vision of Sharpay in a wedding dress and, sickened by the thought, announces he has to get some air.
He heads to the basketball court for some normalcy but he shoots brick after brick, unable to sink a shot. Troy then hears music and finds the rest of the Wildcats, including Ryan, Gabriella, and Chad, dancing to music nearby. He eavesdrops on the performance, enjoying their camaraderie, until he sees Ryan holding Gabriella's hand and giving her a platonic hug. Sharpay enters and overlooks the scene as well. Troy skulks away.Sharpay confronts her brother, complaining that she'd sent him to spy on them, not "turn them into the cast of Grease." "I guess thats showbiz," replies Ryan. Sharpay acidly asks him when he became "one of them" but Ryan takes the critique as a compliment.Once again Sharpay turns to Mr. Fulton, demanding that he disallow any Wildcats from performing in the talent show on the pretext that all service staff must wait on the guests and members in attendance. He protests that employee involvement in the show is tradition and tries to dissuade her with reason. He reminds her, "These are your classmates. You might want to think this one out." Sharpay reflects for a brief moment then barks out to Fulton to do her bidding.Mr. Fulton meets up with Taylor and reluctantly orders her to distribute the staff memo stating that all staff will need to work the night of the talent show and thus will be unable to participate in it. She's aghast at his delivering the new directive and Fulton says, "Welcome to the world of adults who have mortgages, and college tuition and car payments." He goes on to say that, if he wants to keep his job, he has to do what he'd rather not.Taylor announces the new restriction in the kitchen. Zeke and some of the Wildcats are relieved but Gabriella is furious.Gabriella finally confronts Sharpay. Setting aside her treatment of her Wildcats classmates Gabriella says she can't believe that Sharpay is so cruel as to ruin all the hard work her brother Ryan has put into creating the show. Sharpay is unmoved saying Ryan will be in the show somehow and accusing Gabriella of being the selfish one. Sharpay says that Gabriella has almost ruined Troy's chance at a scholarship with their infractions and claims she has had to intervene to save his position there. Moreover she says Gabriella is really angry because she knows that Sharpay has won. "What's the prize?" asks Gabriella, "Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?" She admits she doesn't want to play her game, that sh e's "done here" and warns her: "You better step away from the mirror long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you."Troy overhears Gabriella's announcement that she's leaving. He tries to convince her to stay and they sing "Gotta Go My Own Way." At the end Gabriella leaves the resort, getting into her mother's waiting mini-van, which drives away.At home, in his bedroom, Troy and his father talk again, as Troy tosses a ball up in the air. Seeing him in a funk his dad suggests that he call his teammates and get a game together. "They wouldn't come if I called them," Troy sulks. "The scholarship is important" begins his father. Troy quickly affirms that he gets it. But his dad continues, "It's only important if its important to you." Troy relates that he thinks he's been a jerk and he doesn't know who he really is anymore. Troy's father pulls a picture of Troy off the shelf and says he knows this kid really well. He says has a lot of faith in the kid in the picture and that he knows he'll do the right thing.The next day Troy enters the kitchen where he's given the cold should by everyone but Kelsi. She pushes the staff memo towards him. After reading it Troy runs to the golf course and, in anger and frustration, sings "Bet On It".The talent show is about to start but Sharpay has just received some bad news. Troy tells her he's not singing because he's taken his kitchen job back and, since staff can't perform, he'll be waiting on the scholarship members, not singing to them.In Sharpay's dressing room Mr. Fulton is in a panic. He needs his star performer to get her act together since their opener is "Tina and her tippity-tappity toes." Sharpay goes for her backup plan and summons Ryan. Telling him to get his Tiki warrior outfit is of no use, she realizes that Ryan isn't going to help her.In the kitchen Chad tells Troy he heard what happened with Sharpay. "'Im more interested in what went down between me and you," says Troy, "I was a jerk." They embrace. Troy further apologizes to the rest of the staff for messing up the show, particularly to Ryan, whose hard work will go unseen.Ryan admits that he doesn't really want to see his sister crash and burn and asks Troy to sing with her.Meanwhile a mascara-smeared Sharpay complains to Fulton. "I never lied, except when necessary" she sobs, but Fulton isn't listening. He is more preoccupied with getting her to start her number since Mrs. Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet act is killing the mood of the talent show.Troy enters the dressing room and says the only way to get him to sing the duet is let all the Wildcats perform. Sharpay agrees, saying that she wishes he was doing it for her instead of the group (and Gabriella) and that, right now, she likes Troy more than she likes herself. Kelsi overhears this and runs back to tell the group.Back in the kitchen Ryan tells Troy that Sharpay wants him to learn a new song and that Kelsi will help him learn it, even though he has to do it in record time.Onstage Fulton introduces Troy and Sharpay as the next act.Troy returns to the dressing room and asks Sharpay why she switched songs on him. "I didn't switch songs," says Sharpay, confused. "But Ryan said..." Troy continues but he's cut short when Fulton pulls him onstage. It dawns on Sharpay that, since she hasn't learned a new song, she's not going to be singing the upcoming duet. Ryan pats her on the back as he goes to get the rest of the group ready.As Troy starts his duet he hears another voice; it's Gabriella at the other end of the lawn, walking toward him up the center aisle. With the background of white clouds they sing "Everyday." The rest of the Wildcats join them onstage. Troy even reaches down and pulls Sharpay up with the group."Fabulous," says Fulton as the music ends. He has the Star Dazzle Award in hand and is standing next to Sharpay. As he presents the award to her he announces, "Our Star Dazzle goes to our one and only" Sharpay grabs the award and the mike, completing the sentence with "my brother, Ryan Evans!" She gives Ryan the award.The night ends with the principals walking up a grassy knoll holding Chinese lanterns and looking at the dazzling starry sky. The others go ahead and Troy and Gabriella stay behind, finally kissing. They both release their lanterns which float up and explode into fireworks. As they kiss the sprinklers are once again set off. Instead of interrupting their kiss they continue.The next morning, by the pool, the entire group happily sings "All For One."

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